
Starrett 256RL-1 Disc Micrometer, Ratchet Thimble, 0-1″

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The Starrett 256.1RL-1 measures the thickness of work sections such as ribs, lands, fins, cutting edges on form tools, and chordal thickness of gear teeth.

Product Description

Because of its large anvil and spindle faces, the 256.1RL-1 is also useful for measuring the thickness of sheet materials like paper, cardboard, rubber, and plastics. It features a ratchet stop, which allows you to hold the setting while working. This prevents the dial from moving past zero.

Readability Features

  • Starrett satin chrome finish – no glare – resists rust
  • Advanced sleeve design with staggered lines and distinct figures for precise and easy readability
  • Quick-reading figures – every thousandth numbered on inch tools
  • Convenient decimal equivalents on 1″ and 2″ reading tools

Ease-of-Handling Features

  • Balanced frame and thimble design ensure easy handling and better readability
  • Ring-type knurled lock nut for quick and sure locking
  • The combination ratchet and speeder for uniform pressure and quicker adjustment on all sizes
  • Gracefully designed tapered frame for use in narrow slots and tight places
  • Anvil and spindle discs are 1/2″ (12.7mm) in diameter, tapering to .015″ (0.4mm) edge thickness making it possible to enter narrow grooves and recesses
  • Available in the 1″ and 25mm sizes with rotating or non-rotating spindle

Accuracy and Long-Life Features

  • Rigid one-piece frame of drop-forged steel
  • Extremely hard and stable one-piece spindle (the heart of our accuracy)
  • Quick and easy adjustment
  • Starrett workmanship
  • This tool is accurate to ±.00015″ or ± 0.003mm measuring over the whole surface and ±.0002″ or ±0.004mm measuring on the edges

256.1RL-1 Uses

Disc micrometers measure the thickness, diameter, inner and outer radius, taper, and pitch of circular surfaces. Highly accurate, they are useful in manufacturing, quality control, and engineering departments.

About Starrett

The L.S. Starrett Company is a world leader in precision measuring tools and instruments. Since 1880, they have been an industry standard. Starrett’s high quality and durability have made the brand an industry standard for decades. They produce products for various industries, including aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, and commercial construction. Today, they’ve expanded into metalworking, making saw blade products for manufacturing operations worldwide.

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