
Starrett 673XZ Direct-Reading Bench Micrometer, 0-2″ Range, 0.0001 Graduation

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The 673XZ Bench Micrometer measures the diameter of an object. They take precise measurements on objects too small for other measuring tools.

Product Description

The 673XZ Bench Micrometer is a high-precision instrument ideal for bench use in a shop environment or inspection laboratory. Use it as a comparator measuring to fifty-millionths of an inch (.000050″) or two-thousandths of an mm (0.002mm) or for direct measuring to .0001″ or 0.002mm. Work lengths measure up to 2″ or 50mm.


  • The base is a heavy, rigid casting, incorporating at the left end a movable anvil that actuates a linear, friction-free motion transfer mechanism between the anvil and the indicator. This assures high accuracy.
  • The large thimble diameter, approximately 3″ (77mm), makes possible widely spaced graduations that are easy to read without a vernier scale reference
  • Advanced, staggered design and quick reading graduations in combination with Starrett no-glare satin chrome finish on both thimble and sleeve also contribute to easier, faster readings
  • The head is furnished with a speeder and has a special ring-type lock nut that firmly holds the spindle at any setting without distortion
  • Another useful feature is the adjustable work table centered beneath the anvil and spindle. Work can be accurately aligned between the anvil and spindle by adjusting the table to the proper height and locking it in position.
  • Carbide-faced spindle and anvil are for durability and long life.
  • To read to ten-millionths of an inch (.000010″) or 0.0001mm, this bench micrometer can be used with both the 776 Electronic Digital Gage Amplifier (LVDT probe 776-2Z) or on the 717 Analog Amplifier (LVDT probe 715-2Z). Both require a 673A adapter

How to Use for 673XZ Direct Measure and as a Comparator

For direct measuring, set the micrometer head to zero and the dial indicator to zero by the bezel adjustment. Measure any workpiece within the 2″ (50mm) range by the micrometer head in ten-thousandths of an inch (.0001″ or 0.002mm). The indicator must read zero for each measurement. If used as a comparator, first set the head and the indicator to zero as previously explained. Then adjust the micrometer head to the desired dimension to check. After retracting the anvil, place the work on the table between the anvil and the spindle. Release the anvil, so the anvil and spindle contact the work. Read the plus or minus deviation from the nominal work from the dial indicator in fifty-millionths of an inch (.000050″) or 0.002mm.

About Starrett

The L.S. Starrett Company is a world leader in precision measuring tools and instruments. Since 1880, they have been an industry standard. Starrett’s high quality and durability have made the brand an industry standard for decades. They produce products for various industries, including aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, and commercial construction. Today, they’ve expanded into metalworking, making saw blade products for manufacturing operations worldwide.

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